Little Girl of Mine

Saturday Soul

my girl sarah

Life happens and sometimes it happens rough.  It’s like being out on the sea when a storm blows up and there is no where you can go or hide.  You simply have to batten down the hatches and ride out the storm.  Life is like that.  Many years ago I went through a terrible divorce that tore my family apart.  And like any divorce where children are involved, my beautiful babies suffered for the mistakes of their grownup parents.  My daughter was only 10 at the time and my son was a young 13 year old.  We were ripped apart.  The pain was nearly unbearable for all of us, but we made it through the storm.  We endured and grew closer together and more intimate than we ever could have imagined.  Sometimes those wounds surface though, and bring to each of us reminders of the pain, and that hurt can…

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Song of the Day: St. Vincent “The Antidote”

The enchanting Annie Clark, aka St. Vincent, has done it again with her latest track off The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 soundtrack. I am completely entranced by this chick. Not only is she absolutely beautiful but her unique lyrical style, haunting vocals, and sheer kick ass guitar licks make her the ultimate Indie rocker chick, and I love her!

So needless to say when I found out she was on the latest Twilight soundtrack I downloaded it immediately and fell instantly in love. Okay enough slobbering on my end, check it out for yourself! 🙂

Side Note: Yes I am an unapologetic Twilight fan girl so you’ll definitely be seeing me waiting in line this weekend for the final chapter!! Who’s seen it? Thoughts?

Happy Listening!

Image Source: Tumblr